
Showing posts from June, 2009

Guiding Your Children's Internet Use

Condensed from 1998 Focus on Family By Rose Rancap, FAMILIA-Marcelo, South 1 While the internet as an unregulated medium offers unprecedented opportunities to enlarge the scope of information available to all users, it provides children equal access to materials that may pose danger to them. The regulation of child's use of internet is the responsibility of the parents. Providing a safe and rewarding experience for children requires equal commitment to protection from potential online problems and socialization towards appropriate and productive internet use. PROTECTION: Guiding children and teens in internet use is similar to guiding them in the use of other things that share elements of benefit and danger. Parents can provide explicit instructions, guidance and boundaries to their children about what they consider inappropriate activities. Build good boundaries: Internet access should be on computers in open family areas where use can be monitored. This also reduces temptation

Our Kid's Say About

The Family is. . . . . . ......the best treasure anyone can have in the word! It is the haven where true unconditional love, care and affection, and happiness is found and bred. Some people may hurt you, but your family will continually love you, Some people will sugar-coat what they say, but your family will always be honest and sincere with you. Some people will reject you in one way or another, but your family is still there for they have accepted you for who or what you are-and will still accept you for who and what you may become. The family is every child's first school not only for learning the ABCs of DO-RE-MIs, not only for knowing and writing your name and family member's name, or where you live or how old you are. The family is also where we first learn how to truly love ourselves and love others because it is where we first learn about God's greatest family- the HOLY FAMILY - and the unconditional love for His FAMILY. Mom and Dad (and our relatives) did a great